Thursday, February 3, 2011

Vegetarian Eating: Why Plant Food Is Healthier

Vegetarianism is the lifestyle that involves the exclusion of animal meat and byproducts, but there are various types of vegetarians, and these are ovo-vegetarians, lacto-vegetarians, ovo-lacto vegetarians, and vegans. Ovo-vegetarians are those who include eggs in their diets but exclude dairy products. Lacto-vegetarians include dairy products such as milk and cheese in their diets but exclude eggs. Ovo-lacto vegetarians have the best of both worlds, including both eggs and dairy products. Vegans, however, are strict with their diets, and they exclude eggs and dairy products, or to be more precise, any kind of animal byproduct.
Why is it that these people do not want to eat animal meat? One reason is that animal meat contains certain unhealthy fats and substances, which can be harmful to the body. This is especially true for processed meats. Processed meats contain preservatives and chemicals that have the tendencies to become carcinogenic when taken in large amounts. Not only that, but even in the mere process of cooking meat can there also be presence of carcinogenic compounds. Smoking meats or cooking meat by grill or barbecue may increase the likelihood of consuming these carcinogenic compounds, most especially when there are overcooked portions on the meat. Despite the high content of protein in meat products, too much consumption of meat is not healthy, and this can, in turn, cause complications to the cardiovascular system. Cholesterol and other fatty substances can clog the arterial walls and blood vessels, leading to abnormal cases of hypertension and eventually cardiovascular complications and, ultimately, death.
So, what is the reason why plant food is healthier compared to diets with meat? Vegetables, fruits and other certain plant sources contain dietary fiber as well as essential amino acids needed by the body. Although their protein content is rather low, the content of their dietary fibers make up for this insufficiency. Dietary fibers have various positive effects on the human body, such as assisting in the regulation of blood sugar levels as well as decrease the total and low density lipoprotein levels. These dietary fibers can also reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by balancing the intestinal pH level.
For weight-loss benefits, these dietary fibers can speed up the rate of metabolism by speeding up the passage of food through the digestive system and promote regular excretion habits. Dietary fibers can also make one feel full even after eating just small amounts of food while also reducing one's appetite. Surely, this is why plant food is healthier compared to a diet that includes meat.
There is a saying that nothing beats the natural. These foods are natural and are even relatively cheaper compared to meat diets. A vegetarian diet promotes a healthier lifestyle and lowers the risk and occurrence of diseases, provided that sufficient nutrients are taken in by the body while on this diet. To ensure adequate intake of nutrients such as essential amino acids, it is best to combine or mix a variety of plant sources which contain these essential amino acids. Combinations such as peanut butter with bread and tofu with rice are merely just among of the few popular examples. It is important to treasure health at all times, and one of the best ways to healthier living is by having a vegetarian diet.

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