Thursday, February 3, 2011

Red Wine Health

There is a lot of controversy about red wine health. It has been proven without a doubt, according to scientists, that red wine is good for the heart lowering the risk of heart attack in middle-aged people. What about the elderly? The suggested intake is one glass of red wine a day for women, and two for men. Nevertheless, there is little suggestion of how big or small that glass should be? In addition, if you drink more than the suggested amount, does it increase the protection from heart attack? Or does it add any more protection against other diseases?
Red wine is proven to have certain ingredients that stop blood from clotting, keep arteries clean and clear, and helps with cholesterol. So with this assumption of proven truth, the obvious answer to the question about red wine health would be positive. But what of those who don't drink? Where then, do they get their share of health benefits?
The biggest asset is the antioxidants found in red wine developed from the grape skins and seeds. Other beneficial ingredients that do different things for different conditions, such as acting as an anti-inflammatory can be contributed to the skin of the grape. The colors of skins are also responsible for the color of the wine. In addition, the length of time the skin tincture is in contact with the juice contributes to the darkness or lightness in color.
It is common knowledge that estrogen is a drug that women suffering from menopause consumes, to replace the estrogen being drained from her body by chemical changes and aging. Estrogen is also used (tamoxifen) in follow up treatment of breast cancer patients and for treatment of osteoarthritis patients. It has again been proven, that red wine health comes into play with the ingredient of estrogen contained in wine.
There are still those that have negative reports about red wine health. One scientist claimed, "The discovery that resveratrol is estrogenic means that such supplementation might have undesirable side effects." But, Estrogen proven to provide some defense against heart disease can be absorbed into the body's system with red wine. He also cautioned that "it is not yet known if the body absorbs enough resveratrol from wine to make this plausible."
Despite the contradictory opinions and study results, a glass of wine doesn't do anyone any harm. You should consider the alcohol content, and sweetness as neither of these really contribute to red wine health. They don't do harm, they just don't enhance the positive effects of red wines contribution to good health. There are many positive proven affects, wine has a relaxing effect, which reduces tension. Reducing stress that creates toxins in your body. It also helps digestion and stimulates the appetite. As does the color red strangely enough, this is why many decorate their kitchen, or the inside of a restaurant with bright red paint.
As with most things in the health industry, some say yeah, some say nay, so how does one decide? Try it maybe.
If you would like more detailed information on the health benefits of wine as well as wine in general, be sure and visit our site. It has a world of information.

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