Banyak orang telah berspekulasi kapankah dunia ini akan berakhir. Daftar berikut mengeksplorasi kemungkinan cara penghancuran bumi dan/atau umat manusia berdasarkan. Daftar ini berisi jarak waktu yang tidak jauh yaitu misteri sekitar tahun 2012, boleh dikatakan hanya rumor menarik tapi tidak ada yang memastikan bahwa itu tidak benar. Mengenai benar-salah, percaya tidak percaya, itu terserah kepada kita masing-masing. Menurut hemat saya jauh lebih baik menjalankan secara total ajaran agama masing-masing. Bagi Tuhan tidak ada yang mustahil, kapanpun Dia menginginkan kiamat maka jadilah kiamat. Dia tidak terikat oleh ikatan hitungan angka dan ramalan manusia.
Book of Revelation
Derived from the biblical Book of Revelation (also known as the Book of Revelation), perhaps the most famous end of the prophecy of the world (at least in Western culture). There has been endless debate about which parts of the Bible be interpreted literally, and where a significant part symbolic, and it applies double for a specific author. With the image of life and the strange statement that leaves room for interpretation-free, people around the world have spent their lives trying to decode the book of Revelation. Despite the debate, there are some parts that were agreed to as interpretation.

According to the Bible, the most obvious is that in the end times there will be false prophets posing as a messiah, and the more widespread presence of the antichrist. Earth would face destruction in various forms. The people will suffer from earthquakes, fires, epidemics, hailstorms, famine and other disasters, in all its forms. After the catastrophic events, the Antichrist will gain dominance over the world. They will rule the world in the number and time of the unknown, which will then be followed by Armageddon. During the Armageddon, there will be a colossal battle between the forces of evil (the Antichrist) and the forces of good (Jesus Christ). The Bible itself never gave a specific date, but all the prophecies are based on what happened.
Kali Yuga
Hinduism cycle system inherited from the Vedic civilization, split into 4 cycles of time. Krita / Satya Yuga (Golden Age), Treta Yaga (Silver Age), Dvapara Yuga (Copper / Bronze Age). In one of the oldest Vedic writings, god-man called Manu, four yuga is said to add up to 24,000 a year, but when it has become angaka was only 12,000 years. Krita / Satya Yuga lasts 4800 years, Treta Yuga lasts for 3600, while Dvapara lasted for 2400 years and the Kali Yuga lasts 1,200 years. Kali Yuga "descent into darkness" began when the summer solstice (June), aligned precisely with the Galactic Centre, around 10 800 years BC. then "back Ascent into Light" is happening now, when the winter solstice (December) Sun in line with the Galactic Center around the year 2002-2012.

Kali yuga dikenal sebagai setan laki-laki. Tulisan suci, seperti Srimad-Bhagavatam 12,2, mengajarkan bahwa selama usia Kali 432.000 tahun menjadi buruk dan jatuh ke barbarisme. Agama, kebenaran, kebersihan, toleransi, rahmat, kekuatan fisik dan memori berkurang setiap harinya. Yang parah adalah kekeringan dan malapetaka di mana-mana. Kecerobohan, penyakit, kelaparan dan menyebarkan ketakutan. Bangsa akan terus-menerus berperang satu sama lain. Orang-orang di usia ini akan menjadi malas, serakah dan menipu. Akhir dari Kali Yuga ditandai dengan pengembalian Kalki, reinkarnasi terakhir dari Wisnu, yang akan memenangkan pertempuran atas setan Kali.
Timewave Zero
I Ching atau Buku Perubahan, terdiri dari pengaturan enam puluh empat heksagram (enam-line angka) yang terdiri dari dua jenis garis, yin dan yang, dan telah digunakan sebagai sebuah oracle. Koin atau tongkat yang dilempar, sebuah kombinasi yang berarti satu atau dua heksagram, dan heksagram kedua merupakan prediksi perubahan dari heksagram pertama. Terrence dan Dennis McKenna menyebutkan kasus bahwa I Ching awalnya digunakan sebagai kalender lunar di mana enam puluh empat heksagram enam-line (total baris 384) mewakili 384 hari dalam satu tahun lunar dan tiga belas bulan. Pengaturan awal dari heksagram dari I Ching adalah Raja Wen. Teori yang muncul dari studi I Ching dikenal sebagai teori Novelty.
McKenna argues that so far there will be wave breakthrough in the evolution of information and will begin to come in a nanosecond. This theory is not deterministic, but did not say what will happen in the future, only the level of novelty that whatever happens must be met.
World War III
A World War was a war involving more than 2 continents, in which at least 20 major countries participate in attacks against enemy together, and which have deadly consequences for humans because of significant loss of life. Many theories claim that the terrorist attacks on the World Trade centers and the war in Iraq is the beginning of World War III. Initially about 40 countries are part of the coalition that attacked Iraq. In August 2010, 4733 Coalition forces (including U.S.) have been killed in Iraq. U.S. military deaths consisted of 4415 people. Since the beginning of the U.S. reconstruction effort, 224 U.S. civilians killed in Iraq (report, 2007.)

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) is generally regarded as the point at which risk World War III is imminent. With the globalization of markets and trade and nuclear proliferation, has become increasingly close to starting World War III. So seen from the fact theory, apocalypse will not happen because of the war above can be muted. But oil prices continue to rise, economic depression, the problem of the United States North section and the declaration of martial law in all U.S., should be the factors that will contribute to the next world war.
Galactic Alignment
On December 21, 2012, the solstice sun will align with the dark gap in the Milky Way. Dark rift (Great Rift) is the widest part of the Milky Way and in accordance with the direction of the galactic center. In parallel, the solstice meridian will align with the intersection of the ecliptic (the path the moon, sun and planets) and field galaxies, called the galactic equator. This alignment occurs every 36 years, but the alignment is indeed unique. At this moment the sun appears only touched one part of the dark rift which is a snake-shaped path along the Galactic Equator.

Ini adalah area langit malam dianggap penting untuk kosmologi Maya sehubungan dengan mitologi kelahiran kembali. Dalam beberapa versi, gabungan gravitasi dari lubang hitam galaksi dan matahari akan menyebabkan gempa bumi, tsunami, banjir atau cuaca buruk. Dalam versi lain alignment tidak akan menyebabkan masalah yang lebih esoteris, seperti penyumbatan tipe energi yang berasal dari lubang hitam, atau dari inti galaksi, atau keduanya. Beberapa orang percaya bahwa situasi ini bisa menempatkan Bumi dalam bahaya yaitu tersedot ke lubang hitam di pusat celah gelap di Bima Sakti.
Super Volcano
Ada sekitar 500 gunung berapi aktif di dunia. Ada 4 yang super tetapi yang terbesar adalah Yellowstone di AS, yang lainnya termasuk yang terdapat di Indonesia yaitu Danau Toba, Taupo di New Zealand dan Kaldera Aira di Jepang. Supervolcano adalah gunung berapi yang mampu menghasilkan letusan gunung berapi dengan letusan radius lebih besar dari 240 kilometer kubik (1.000 kilometer kubik). Yang super ini adalah yang paling berbahaya, dengan Volcanic Explosivity Index of 8. Ini adalah ribuan kali lebih besar dari letusan gunung berapi yang paling bersejarah.

Geologists believe that Supervolcano Yellowstone in the U.S. is most likely to erupt next, because it has been showing signs of unrest, with a swarm earthquakes, ground deformation and high heat and gas emissions. An earthquake is a major indicator that the volcano will soon erupt. Caldera and Yellowstone is an experience that always erupted about 1500 years. The last eruption of Yellowstone was 640,000 years ago. If the volcano erupted, then half of the United States will be erased, and there will be variations in the global climate for years.
The residue of volcanic ash in the atmosphere will lead to destruction of world agriculture, severe disruption of food supplies and mass starvation. Yellowstone could emit 2,000 million tons of sulfuric acid, and can produce the equivalent of "nuclear winter", when dust and debris from a nuclear war block out the sunlight for several years, causing hunger around the world.
Solar Storms
In August 2010, NASA reported that there will be around 2012 solar storm. Every 11 years or more, changes in our star's magnetic field bring increased sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections. The result is a barrage of charged particles toward Earth will be thrown. Solar storm is a sudden burst of very fast, contains charged particles from the Sun. Can result from solar flares or coronal mass ejection (CME) or both.
A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a large explosion solar wind (charged particles flow out of the sun). A solar flare is a sudden eruption of magnetic energy is released at the surface of the sun, usually accompanied by bursts of electromagnetic radiation. Ultraviolet radiation and x-rays from solar flares often cause electromagnetic disturbances in Earth's atmosphere.
Solar Storms will affect the electrical grid, so that we lose electricity. Solar Storm itself will not cause the apocalypse, but it will bring a kind of domino effect. People then will not be able to use air heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, telephone service and GPS. Typically, a "Faraday Cage" to protect the internal satellite equipment from an external electrical charge, but if it was bombed by the load will cause the satellite burst. There are more than 936 operating satellites in space, worth about $ 200 billion to replace. Flow of magnetic storms that work on gas pipeline will increase the corrosion rate from time to time, with potential cumulative effects of the disaster.
Three Days of Darkness
Catholics do not believe in the concept of the rapture - first described in the 17th century by the Americans, but they certainly do not behenti to prophesy in the last day. The most popular is the three days of darkness, predicted by a large number of mystics throughout the centuries, including St. Padre Pio, the priest stigma described above. Three days earlier estimated that the sign (in the form of the cross) will appear in the sky, which will make everyone know that God is real. It will be followed by three days of darkness, where Satan and his minions are released on earth. The most frightening part of that prophecy is that you should stay at home, with all windows and doors closed, because if you look out you will die instantly, the devil will try to tempt you away from home by pretending to be someone you love who need of protection.