Wednesday, December 29, 2010
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
Four Signs True Love
You can find someone who is really well suited to serve as a life partner and even have more than one in your life. But then how do you really know for sure?
Here's help to convince decision of your relationship:
Express the desire and why want it?
You must have a clarity not only about what you want from love, but what they want in life with your partner. Immediately after knowing it, you'll sure have entered into a relationship with a clear purpose and vision of what your relationship with him. Determining the criteria will help avoid the difficulties involved with someone who is not suitable for you.
Measure your romance
Although it sounds stale, make a list of your ideal partner expectations. Fill with the desire perfect partner, a special but realistic. The more you know what's right for you, the easier it will capture the moment when he could walk with you.
Love yourself
There's the old adage says: "You will not be able to make others happy until you're happy yourself." This will not only help when meeting someone new, but also helps you start a relationship at the right time.
Be the best
Love is not just looking for someone who will make you happy. Matches will yield the best-maybe someone who will make you become a happier and more productive.
The best way to find true love is smart to choose someone and clear why you chose it.
Laughter Can Make Love
The way you laugh, can make other people like and love arise. Therefore, the clever set-pandailah laughter.
Once the word and relationship advice expert. He said, if you're trying to attract the opposite sex, try to laugh. Because, laughing turns play an important role in a relationship.
Jo-Anne Bachorowski, assistant professor of psychology, Maria Smoski, and Michael J. Owren, a professor from Cornell University, found that humans have varying laughter.
Not only that, a study of 120 students at Vanderbilt University, is known, was the sound of laughter can attract people's attention. If we can process it, laughter can cause a sense of love.
"Of course, the sound of laughter depends on gender. But its appeal is determined situation and the person's condition and the environment - including who to laugh," explained Bachorowski.
"We are seeing, laughing very effective - like eye contact. And in fact, without realizing it, many people who use tricks to laugh to show an emotional state and how to respond to something," he added.
Make people so fancied
In fact, laughter is more than just a seasoning of conversation. We can use laughter to control one's emotional state - and yourself, of course. And in fact, many people are interested in the cheap smile.
"If people are interested in the mercy of your smile, then you can make them more interested in - or mediocre contrived, set the tone and intonation with laughter."
That said, if you are a woman, then the best way to rip the man's defense is to laugh at rather high tone accompanied by hand movements around the chest.
In contrast to men. That said, women are more attracted to men who are good at pressing the laughter until it is lower. With a sound more 'civilized', men can reduce negative thoughts toward women.
10 Tips to Finding and Maintaining Relationships Asmara
1. Do not fall in love with someone who is very potential. Too many men and women who have a friend or stay in a relationship with the expectation that others will change.
Be honest and be yourself and ask: "Can I love this person with the actual way in which they are now without hope for change?" if not, find another.
2. Do not worry about lust. In the sense that in a hurry, people having sex would create a false intimacy, which will lead to disappointment.
Take time to create a genuine emotional connection and let the passionate sexual relationship grow.
3. Do not ignore the desperation to have a relationship. For example, if he makes a statement like "I do not perform properly commitment," Trust him.
Ask yourself, "Is this person emotionally and situsioanal willing?" (People tend to spend time to his hobby and then a new partner).
4. Do not assume your friends are "physically" knowing what you want and need.
Responsible to express your feelings and need each other. This will avoid conflict and emotional connections in between you.
5. Accept your partner is. When the couple entered the honeymoon phase, they often feel satisfied with each other.
Continue to do romantic things with one another in every relationship, not only in the early stages. For example, make a "date night" once a week.
6. Be empathetic to your partner. Set aside some time to your plan and see your partner to understand his thinking. Acknowledge and validate your partner's feelings does not mean you have to agree with them. If this does not mean you have to give up on your own needs. Often times, the feeling of understanding will mean more to your partner than to be right or win the battle.
7. Focus on what you like about your partner and what they are doing right, rather than about their mistakes.
8. Your lover back. People who love you back. You will not be involved with someone who will love you.
9. You do not feel you are walking on eggshells. If you have a strong feeling in your stomach, it is not love, but you try to get approval.
10. A healthy relationship will enhance self-esteem.
To obtain a harmonious relationship, each partner needs to expose themselves. Healthy relationships happen when both partners feel safe to express themselves actually against each other.
Say It with Flowers ...
Say it with flowers, that's the phrase we often hear to express something to someone. Bungalah which always represent our feelings toward a loved one.
From generation kegenerasi, the woman who always loved always accept gifts of flowers. Flowers as part of the flora is a symbol of life and beauty, so that when received, women not only feel vibrate and flattered, they feel beautiful and very special. Giving flowers to a loved one will increase the sense of affection for you, and make it still very significant in your life.
Generally, interest is given in a special ambiance and to apologize, but the best time to give flowers is when there is no reason whatsoever. If you buy flowers just because you want to know that you love and memikirnya continuously, he would feel more impressed, and honor more than ever. Core giving "surprise" (in an atmosphere that is not party) will add a new atmosphere in your relationship.
Here are some flowers with meaning:
Full of charm carnations
Friendship chrysanthemum
Love is faithful daisies
Bunga Cinta pent glass plate
The beauty of flowers bungur
Love and beauty of orchids
Roses "I can not live without you"
Rose (thorn less) Love on first sight
Love the perfect tulip
Virtue violets
There are several ways to submit interest in your partner. Remember, whatever you do, your goal is to impress. The best way is to show the world that he was the companion of your life.
Give yourself
Why do not you buy flowers and take it straight? You can help situated in the water. Or take him to work and show all her coworkers that you are not only a good but how beruntunganya you have it.
Special delivery
Delivering flowers through delivery while you are in place and you see he was surprised when I read a greeting card, he not only feel a million flavors, but he also wanted to make you the same thing.
Whatever the reason, she sent flowers today to show that you love and respect him more than anyone else.
Changed By Boyfriend: kudu!?
Many people are willing to change for the sake of her lover. Whether it was requested, or the desire itself. What about you?
Transformed into a better person, obviously not a problem. In fact, Cindy Haynes in The Book of Change, it was suggested. Moreover, if based on personal awareness.
"Changed or (rather) a compromise for the sake of love, will contribute to the relationship. Moreover, if the change is positive and inspiring for both of us. Nothing wrong, koq!" Haynes said.
Then, what kind of changes that could be considered positive and inspiring?
Appearance, as if you are sued appear graceful and sexy, but you are a casual person. Do not be frustrated, but try to find a new side that you never feel. Compromised, to the extent where you can change it. At the very least, you do not need to be changed completely.
Weight. Naturally, if he concentrates on body weight. The reason, besides not pleasing to the eye, too thin or too 'ndut' it's a sign people are less healthy. No offense, but think about the positive side, unless you feel comfortable with the current body weight.
Changing nature. This is the most difficult, because nature is already innate. But when he takes you into a better direction, why not? Moreover, if (the word friend), you've got a line of nature "ugly", such as hot-tempered, vindictive, or lazy. Okay, is it that can be changed?
More smart. That is certainly not because you are stupid, but he would feel more proud if you can 'more' smart. This can add your spirit to emerge as a more personal quality. Absolutely not change a bad right?
In essence, as far as changes that affect the prosecution of either, we need to consider. After all, not just for the good relationship, but for us too! Well, if love more intently, absorbed in it ...?
Romantic Means Mesra?
It is said that girls prefer romantic things than men. But really, what is the meaning of romance for you?
There are many definitions of a romantic or romantic. What is clear, said Robert Billingham, a professor from Indiana University, USA, romance is not just a gentle caress, sweet words, cast in the eye, and a brown derby, or a myriad of compliments.
"For women, romance is a reflection of trust to the spouse," says Billingham. "A woman will realize, sexual intimacy involving the willingness to 'surrender'. That was done because she believes in her partner."
Women usually contain emotional romanticism. A prostitute will say, that intercourse with her boyfriend, in contrast to a joint customer. "When the 'work', prostitutes do not have the emotional attachment."
As for men, being romantic is more directed to a sense of love, affection, the provider and protector. "When being romantic, he really wanted to say I love you and do not intend evil, then believe me," says Billingham.
But unfortunately, very few men who engage emotion and confidence in the romance. That caused a sense of love, affection and protection needed to say, sometimes not until the goal. According to Billingham, men prefer the passion and sex in a romance.
Why is that? A neurologist, Dr. James Olds explained, it is caused by differences in biological structure and sex between men and women. "That's why men and women look at romance from a different lens," said Olds, from George Mason University, Virginia, USA.
Clearly, "Men have a supply of sperm that may be infinite and biologically, they have been programmed to 'spread the seeds of it'. That way, they will only be considered romantic if someone wants to be a place for distributing the seeds."
Sacrifice For Love?
In the name of love, many people are "behind Stand up for" sacrifice anything. Objective one, for the happy couple. But, should up to that?
That said, the girl claimed to be the party of the most sacrifices for men. Meanwhile, there are many who feel arjuna has been "sacrificed" his love and painstaking care.
Regardless of which side the most sacrifices, psychotherapist Dr. Laura Schlessinger, in Los Angeles, USA, to assess "sacrifice" is the dumbest thing people do.
Of course, Schlessinger did not mean to invite us to be selfish, and not indifference. The proof, he advised us to remain patient and uphold tolerance.
Balanced. It is said also, women had higher levels of tolerance and patience higher than men. Perhaps that is why, the woman becomes the more sacrifices or succumb.
In fact, "Many women who felt compelled to make sacrifices. In fact, not a few women feel happy for his sacrifice. In fact, the condition that, far from a healthy relationship."
In fact, that true happiness can only be obtained if there is a balance. "So, not only women or men who have to make sacrifices. But it must be both."
`In a certain portion, sacrifice or give in would really help a relationship. But if left constantly, conditions that can be reversed into a time bomb, ready to explode at any time.
So, never fear to negotiate any conditions or problems encountered. It can be a lesson of tolerance for couples, and authorization for your lesson.
When Asmara in Point Saturated
Sooner or later, will come when the love affair reached a saturation point. So prepare yourself to face it. When the time reaches this point, then all that happened would seem so monotonous and boring. The relationship feels 'cold' and bland. When this happens, what to do?
Nita Tucker in How not to screw it up, have special tips to overcome them. Back to the past and remember the good times fall in love once, you can warm up again romance.
Browse back your love story with open old albums, or read love letters when they were dating. Bring the good times that in words.
Ask your partner, what was once made him interested in you. It can arouse memories and re thrill you.
If you still remember the first time he expressed his love, there's nothing wrong celebrated with a movie and dinner together. The impact, will be felt.
Or, you can follow the advice Dan Zevin in The Nearly-Wed Handbook:
Hanging out with peers who are single, can add warmth. Listen to their stories, and you'll better appreciate the presence of a partner.
Separate residence for the time being will also be very helpful. Not to escape, but to realize the existence of a partner. Experience the beauty of longing without a partner beside you.
All the effort that will burn back the fire of love that was almost extinguished. So, do not let your love grow cold.
You never experienced it?
How to Get Romantic
Romance is a mood that makes us feel what we want. Is it dance with someone you love under the stars spangle or wink when you meet with her views.
Romance can make the world seem to have both-at least at that time. But the world today where the matter came to no end, it might be difficult to find time for impulsive in a narrow time.
Often busy couples with children need to understand that their child's position was after the couple. Child's happiness was based on relationships that parents had their own.
For those who feel romantic, do not feel lost hope. Romantic emphasis on the importance of communication in every relationship and your partner should routinely meet somewhere to talk. Here are some suggestions for those who have limited time.
Set aside a time-Make your relationship a priority.
Dating at an unusual time-Are you someone who has been married or not, dating at breakfast, between breakfast and lunch or meet each other for just a drink after work. to maintain the relationship even if only briefly.
Hire a maid-Leave the house for temporary work assistant who completed, you can freely to do romantic things together.
Spend time alone together-It is important to reconnect with your partner and let him know what is going on in your life. Go out and do something together.
Each person can be romantic. They will notice a loved one or perhaps more equal than themselves. Just need a little creative and business to have a romantic idea in your relationship.
5 Ways to Avoid Boring Romanticism
Have you ever noticed how many people let their relationship becomes stale and fall into the boredom? Perhaps, you are in a situation like this, iini situation will be very difficult to solve. But here are five things you can do to avoid boredom and keep romance alive in your relationship.
Express love
Always tell your partner that you love him. The phrase, "I love you" is not just saying words alone, is also about how you say it. Be creative and remember that action speaks louder than words.
One of the coverage of the most talked about in a relationship is communication. Lack of communication will kill the relationship, so it's important to at least set aside time each day to talk with your partner. Communication is no problem even if you're talking about, as long as you talk about something. Soon you will find that you have plenty to say.
Honest in relationship
This may seem a little strange, because the profit is far from clear. When you do something wrong on your partner, no matter whether they ever knew. In fact, you have to make changes and create distance between you both. But do something against your spouse, and you'll soon find yourself in a spiral of decline.
Do not be too judgmental of your partner
Instead of the above is to realize that everyone can make mistakes. If your spouse has made a mistake, sit quietly and see if it is something you can do. Too often and quickly you blame every mistake akin cause a profound reaction. The reaction can trigger a deep regret in the future.
Add a little romance every day
Being romantic is not difficult and can be done in many ways. It is very important, at least you make every day a romantic action spontaneously or be creative and according to your taste.
Say Something Sweet By Ear LEFT!
If you want to express that you love someone, you should submit it through their ears to the left, says a new study.
Someone will look better remember emotional words like "love", if they hear it through the left ear, a study by experts of psychology at Sam Houston State University, Texas.
This means that if something good to hear through the right ear, they are more likely to forget.
The researchers said the findings could be explained by the fact that the left ear is controlled by the right hemisphere, which is responsible for the emotional stuff.
"These findings are consistent with the role of the right hemisphere in processing emotional stimuli," says Dr. Teow-Chong said in a statement at the European Congress of Psychology, which was held this week.
Sim study involving 26 people who listen to the words differently through the two ears in the same time. The words composed of emotional words like "depression" until non-emotional words such as "merge".
After training, participants were asked a number of words they had heard.
The researchers found that participants have a stronger memory of emotional words that they had heard through the left ear. Repetition of the same through the right ear is not as strong as that delivered through the right ear.
8 Reasons Need More Sex
Who says sex just gives menikamatan? Here we present some results of other studies about the benefits of sex.
When making love, female hormone estrogen will produce twice as big. As is known, the hormone that's good for healthy hair and skin.
Sexual intercourse is often accompanied by perspiration. That means, the body's metabolism is stimulated to work properly. Did you know, sweat duty dispose of toxic substances in the body?
Sex for 26 minutes [to orgasm], the same as jogging or swimming 20 rounds, which can burn half the calories of regular pizza. This is good for the diet, right?
Sexual intercourse is done as they liked and would spur the release of andhorpin to the blood. That is why the body feels light and fun while making love. But, besides that, it turns out good andhorpin to reduce depression.
The hormone oxytocin is released immediately after orgasm, is the safest tranquilizer. Do not be surprised if you feel sleepy after having sex. If oxytocin come, disturbed sleep is lost.
Sex usually without the kiss was bland. Unexpectedly, it was a kiss that done, both to stimulate saliva production, which is useful to maintain the acidity of the mouth and eradicate bacteria. That way, toothache and bad breath was spared.
Having sex for 20 minutes [not including foreplay], both to train the cardiovascular work to expedite the flow of blood from the heart throughout the body, including the brain. That way, other than the heart grow stronger, headache was gone.
The more frequent sex, the more the body's production of antihistamine. That way, your body will get used to working hard and this is beneficial for stamina. But, an antihistamine is also good for smooth breathing, you know.
Of course, for maximum results, intercourse should only be done safely with an official partner.
Intimate Sex Not Only Just
Intimacy is used as an expression of penghalus a sexual relationship, psychologists are very familiar with that intimacy is a crucial part of all our important relationships. This is the factor which gives a relationship to be deep, meaningful and full of personal values.
If we so desperately need intimacy, why then the intimacy is so difficult to achieve? Biggest obstacle now is the time, and lack devices, said Susan Prosser, a kounseler and psychologist for Counseling and Education in Ottawa. Intimacy requires a lot of time commitment, among us have more than two or three intimate relationships.
Another obstacle may be frightened, by letting other people know what is happening to us at risk ridicule and rejection. Hence, why we sometimes find a situation that seems intimate but usually not.
The main misconception that only the necessary intimacy in your relationship with your partner. But the view of men and women often differ, says Jayne Weatherbe, an expert on therapy from the Family Therapy Institute of Vancouver Island. If the idea of intimacy in men that are watching favorite TV shows with his wife while the wife shopped together, they may be disappointed if they do not have other people to satisfy their desires.
"To get all the needs that are satisfied by sex with a partner is usually very costly to the marriage. It is very dangerous for someone to have a meaningful relationship. Someone who is not in a serious relationship can still be very intimate experience in their lives. "
Another wrong assumption is that if intimacy is not achieved easily, we are in the wrong relationship. But to achieve and maintain intimacy requires work and this is a process. Usually when we get closer to someone else, we will feel awkward, and away.
The third misconception is that intimacy is a matter of women, open men. Actually, the intimacy is a basic human requirement, but society has not given him the opportunity to show.
Style with Glasses
Model, motif or color of sunglasses is very diverse. This can make a person confused when it comes to buying glasses. When buying sunglasses, the choice should not only be based on the buyer's favorite model, motif or color alone, because it is more important is how to choose glasses that fit with the wearer. The following points should be a consideration when choosing your glasses.
Face Shape
Shape a person's face is very influential in the selection of spectacle frames to be selected. One chose the form of a frame can cause the face is not good form. Here are tips for choosing a frame glasses based on face shape:
Round face shape
Choose sunglasses with a rectangular frame or box that has a sharp angle.
Face shape box
Glasses with frame an oval, round, eye paint or frame shape with a curved corner or may be an option.
Heart face shape
Form of spectacle frames as pilots were in line with this face shape.
Oval face shape
This face shape can use the glasses with a frame of any model.
Skin Color
In choosing the color of the frame or frames should be adjusted to your skin color.
Light skin color
For those of you who have white or yellow skin color, any color you can use frames.
Color brown or dark brown leather
It would be very suitable, if you choose a frame with beige or brown color.
Dark skin color
Select the frame with the soothing colors like blue or maroon red. For casual color, you can choose the color metallic.
If you have a collection of glasses or you want to use the glasses as accessories, you can customize it with clothes you wear. Adjust the overall color with your outfit. For example, if the clothes that you use brown, so it's good eyeglasses worn turunanannya same color or colors.
If you wear casual clothes like jeans, leather jacket or tank top, you can use the model as well as glasses that casual wayfarer model with a memorable color playfull relaxed. If you're sporty, edgy strong model (model glasses used in the movie Matrix) can be an option. Or if you wear feminine clothes, you can use sunglasses with army model (model glasses with a line at the top of the second lens with a thin frame) with gold-colored frames.
In addition, specify the situation that you are visiting. For example, if you will visit a formal event, avoid using glasses with a color that is too flashy like red, green, sea blue or orange. Model glasses should be worn glasses that formal models, such as not using glasses with frames that are too thick or with which colored glasses.
Proper glasses will make you more stylish. Congratulations in style with glasses!
Tugu Pahlawan In surabaya
City of Heroes
Surabaya earned the nickname as the City of Heroes. This is because the battle in this city on 10 November 1945 in which the fighters down the Dutch flag and kill the leader of the Dutch who named General Mallaby. This battle became part of history from the founding of the Indonesian nation.
Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya
Nail-shaped monument of heroes upside down, which is under monument diameter larger than the diameter of the above. This monument has a high 41.15 meters or 45 yards and a diameter of 3.1 meters, which is getting to the top, the smaller diameter. In addition to the monument of heroes, in this area there are statues and other buildings that depict the struggle of the Indonesian people, especially to commemorate the Battle of Surabaya on November 10, 1945.
On one hand, there is a statue of former president Ir. Soekarno and his deputy Drs. Mohammad Hatta while reading the proclamation of independence among the tall pillars that resemble the ruins of a building. On the pillars there are also writings that resembles a pep independence graffiti-graffiti. Unique shape of the pillars are a favorite place to take pictures.
Museum November 10
Museum 10 NopemberUntuk save historic objects related to the struggle of the people of Surabaya, in this area was made a museum that was built later. The museum opened in 2000 and known as the Museum 10 November. Building the museum looks interesting because it resembles the small pyramids. At the center of this pyramid there is a statue depicting three young men with guns bamboo spears to fight against invaders.
In the museum there is a diorama of a battle in Surabaya, and recording folk speech Bung Tomo who successfully evoke the spirit of struggle of the people of Surabaya. Another collection is the variety of Bung Tomo relics, maps and weapons used during the war against the Dutch and their allies. You also can better know how the picture of the battle is going on with watching a documentary that tells the battle 10 November 1945.
Tugu Pahlawan
Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya is located in the city center, exactly in the middle between Jl.Pahlawan, Jl. Lathe, Jl. Tembaan, and Jl. Kebon Rojo. Exactly in front of the East Java governor's office. Located conveniently for the reason this place is often visited. Various plants and flowers that exist in this area the main attraction for the people of Surabaya who want a moment to rest or spend the morning and evening to just sit around and see buildings that remind the struggle of the people of Surabaya.
The visitors are free to enter this area of Tugu Pahlawan. Entrance fee is only charged when going into the Museum 10 November. Made time to visit the Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya help you familiarize yourself with some of the history of the Indonesian nation.
Surabaya earned the nickname as the City of Heroes. This is because the battle in this city on 10 November 1945 in which the fighters down the Dutch flag and kill the leader of the Dutch who named General Mallaby. This battle became part of history from the founding of the Indonesian nation.
Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya
Nail-shaped monument of heroes upside down, which is under monument diameter larger than the diameter of the above. This monument has a high 41.15 meters or 45 yards and a diameter of 3.1 meters, which is getting to the top, the smaller diameter. In addition to the monument of heroes, in this area there are statues and other buildings that depict the struggle of the Indonesian people, especially to commemorate the Battle of Surabaya on November 10, 1945.
On one hand, there is a statue of former president Ir. Soekarno and his deputy Drs. Mohammad Hatta while reading the proclamation of independence among the tall pillars that resemble the ruins of a building. On the pillars there are also writings that resembles a pep independence graffiti-graffiti. Unique shape of the pillars are a favorite place to take pictures.
Museum November 10
Museum 10 NopemberUntuk save historic objects related to the struggle of the people of Surabaya, in this area was made a museum that was built later. The museum opened in 2000 and known as the Museum 10 November. Building the museum looks interesting because it resembles the small pyramids. At the center of this pyramid there is a statue depicting three young men with guns bamboo spears to fight against invaders.
In the museum there is a diorama of a battle in Surabaya, and recording folk speech Bung Tomo who successfully evoke the spirit of struggle of the people of Surabaya. Another collection is the variety of Bung Tomo relics, maps and weapons used during the war against the Dutch and their allies. You also can better know how the picture of the battle is going on with watching a documentary that tells the battle 10 November 1945.
Tugu Pahlawan
Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya is located in the city center, exactly in the middle between Jl.Pahlawan, Jl. Lathe, Jl. Tembaan, and Jl. Kebon Rojo. Exactly in front of the East Java governor's office. Located conveniently for the reason this place is often visited. Various plants and flowers that exist in this area the main attraction for the people of Surabaya who want a moment to rest or spend the morning and evening to just sit around and see buildings that remind the struggle of the people of Surabaya.
The visitors are free to enter this area of Tugu Pahlawan. Entrance fee is only charged when going into the Museum 10 November. Made time to visit the Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya help you familiarize yourself with some of the history of the Indonesian nation.
Mount Tangkuban Perahu
Mount Tangkuban Perahu, or also commonly referred Tangkuban Parahu is one of the largest mountain plateau Parahyangan. Nature Park Mount Tangkuban Perahu in the northern city of Lembang, north of the city of Bandung. Cool weather, the spread of tea gardens, valleys and tall pine trees to accompany your journey toward the gate area Tangkuban Perahu. To enter the area Tangkuban Perahu, you have to pay the ticket Rp 13,000, - per person plus a ticket to the vehicle.
Tangkuban PerahuAda two road craters that exist on this mountain. The first street or road longer by road conditions more difficult to pass and will normally be closed after the rain or when deemed dangerous to pass. The guard booth will give clues to past the new road which lies further to the top if the road was closed. Before the ticket payment in the first street, there are cottages for rent for a place to stay.
Passing through the new road, paved roads facilitate travel of your vehicle. On the street side there is winding trumpet flowers and other trees that will soothe your trip. Tangkuban Perahu mountain in the region there are three craters of interest to visit. Domas Crater is a crater, Crater Queen and Upas Crater. The largest crater between the three and most visited are Queen Crater. With a few hours walk away, you can even round the Queen is so wide crater while enjoying the beautiful panorama of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
Queen Crater
If you come by bus, there is a special bus parking lot before reaching the crater Queen. The journey continues with ELF car that will get you into the crater of the Queen. However, if you use a private vehicle, you can continue to use it up to the crater Queen. Parking is available across the vehicle in this crater, so without going through the difficult terrain and spend a lot of energy, you can see this crater. It may also be one reason, most visitors in this crater.
Queen Crater directly visible from the top with a wooden barrier fence to prevent visitors falling. Looking inside the crater, the walls of the crater and smoke is still out of the crater it creates a thrilling sight. Soil around the crater Queen mostly white with some yellow brimstone. Rocks and the atmosphere was dry and arid in this crater. You can try to climb to higher ground if you want to see the Queen Crater region as a whole.
In this place a lot of simple shops selling various souvenirs such as scarves, skullcaps hats, bags and fur hats, various displays of wood and various other accessories. There are also sellers of food and warm drinks such as boiled noodles, and other bandrek. You can also ride horses to round some of these craters. This activity is usually favored children.
Upas Crater
Upas Crater Crater is located next to the Queen. But, to be able to see this crater must go through dangerous terrain, you must pass through the sandy road to reach the crater. So, very rare visitors who come to see this crater. The form is different from Upas Crater Crater Queen. Upas crater is more shallow and flat.
Domas Crater
Domas Crater Crater is located further down than the Queen. If you come through the new path, you'll find the gateway to Crater Domas Crater first before heading to the Queen. If the crater Queen you will only see the crater from a distance, the Domas crater, you can get closer to the crater. In fact, you can try to boil eggs by putting it in the crater. If you want to see past the Domas Crater at 16:00 pm, you are required to use the services of tour guides.
Trees are much visible around the crater is a tree called by local people with the name Manarasa. The leaves of this plant will be reddish in color if the leaves are old. Red leaf that had to be eaten with guava leaves taste like with a little sour taste. These leaves can treat diarrhea and is believed will make the youth. Perhaps this leaf is trusted by the local community is always eaten by Dayang Sumbi are ageless in the legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
Tangkuban Legend Boats
The core story of the legend of Tangkuban Perahu is a young man named Sangkuriang want to marry a woman named Dayang Sumbi beautiful. They fell in love. However, after finding the scar on his head Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang is that they found out his son. Sangkuriang go first because he felt annoyed with her anger. Dayang Sumbi angry because Sangkuriang killing their pet dog when it fails to hunt deer for his mother.
Knowing Sangkuriang is his son, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang not want to marry. So, to reject the application Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi asked for a boat besarta lake within 1 night. Sangkuriang who ask for help from the magic genie to fulfill the desire Dayang Sumbi.
Viewing Sangkuriang almost completed its work, Dayang Sumbi intend blew it. Thanks to his prayer, the chickens crowing. Jin-jin who helped Sangkuriang running scared because he thought it was morning. As a result of work to make the boat and the lake is not completed. Sangkuriang who was furious because it failed to complete his work kicked homemade boat. The boat is then fell face down and there was Mount Tangkuban Perahu. When viewed from the city of Bandung, the mountain resembles an inverted boat.
The beauty of the crater of Mount Tangkuban Perahu and some spots around it also became one of the places for potential brides to do outdoor wedding photos. The beauty of the craters of Mount Tangkuban Perahu can become one of the destinations if you're visiting the city of Bandung. You can bring children to the natural beauty of this melihan.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Retirement Plans for Solo Entrepreneurs
Here is just a sample of the retirement plans available to solo-preneurs and small businesses:
Roth IRA – although this is not just for solo-preneurs, this is the first place you should look to save if you are just starting to save for retirement (or resuming to save after starting a business). Roth IRAs are low-cost, very flexible, and allow you to grow money tax-free as long as you follow the distribution rules. Contributions can be made up to $4,000, and can be withdrawn at any time without tax or penalty (earnings withdrawn may be subject to penalty and tax if withdrawn before age 59 ½ and certain other conditions are not met).
SEP IRA – if you're maxing out your Roth IRA, and are ready to save more, a SEP IRA allows you to save up to 25% of your compensation (20% of your self-employment income) for a maximum of $44,000 per year. Contributions are tax-deductible, and SEP IRAs have low maintenance fees. Contributions can be made for employees also, but employees cannot contribute to their own SEP IRA. This is a good choice if you just have a handful of employees and are looking for a low-cost way to save for your own and your employees' retirement.
Simple IRA – a Simple plan offers many of the benefits of a 401K, but with less IRS reporting requirements. You can contribute up to $10,000 to a Simple IRA, with an employer match of up to 3%. Contributions are tax-deductible, and Simple IRAs also enjoy low annual fees. Employees are allowed to contribute to Simple plans, and a company match is mandatory. If you have a lower salary (or self-employment income) in your small business, a Simple IRA allows you to put more away towards your retirement than other plans
Solo 401K – for small businesses with no employees, the solo-401K allows you to put the maximum amount away, with less cost and less reporting requirements than a traditional 401K. Similar to a SEP IRA, contributions max out at $44,000. However, unlike a SEP IRA, participants in a Solo-401K can contribute up to 100% of the first $15,000 of compensation or self-employment income, and an additional amount up to 25% of your compensation. This is important because it allows you to save substantially more than a SEP IRA, if your compensation is less than $220,000 per year. A solo-401K is not appropriate for small business with employees or expecting to add employees.
There's no one best plan for all small businesses. The best plan for you will depend on many factors, such as whether you have employees or not, how much you want to contribute each year, how much time you want to spend administering the plan, etc. To get more information about small business retirement plans, contact a no-load mutual fund company, a discount brokerage company or a fee-only financial planner.
in Entrepreneurs
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
How To Recover Lost Data
Even a student who uses his computer to store assignments, research papers and other school data will be dismayed at the though of losing such files. What more for a computer dependent entrepreneur who relies on his computer for the day to day existence of his business. Losing computer data for both types of computer users would mean a catastrophe because once lost, computer data can no longer be recovered.
However, technological advancements have made data recovery possible depending on a lot of factors. For one, computer users are advised to make back ups of their computer data to make sure they would not be caught red handed when computer data is destroyed. For some who hold very important computer data, the back up itself should even be further backed up to make sure there is a way of recover lost data.
Fortunately, there are companies who offer data recovery services in case of an unforeseen disaster like corruption of files or crashing of a computer hard drive. People who store very important data in their computers need to have back ups but in any case, they should be acquainted with a computer company that can offer them fast and efficient services for the recovery of their lost computer data
It is thus pertinent that computer users have a way of knowing where to contact computer companies who can recover lost data for them no matter how such data was lost. There are various ways of losing precious data and one of those is carelessness. People take for granted that computers are very fast and efficient machines they can accidentally command their computers to lose or delete data in a flash.
The widespread use of internet has also been responsible for thousands of computer crashes all over the world because of viruses that attack computer hard drives. There are plenty of technical reasons why data is lost. Added to that are unforeseen disasters like fire or other calamity.
Computer users who have backed up their lost data but who discover that their back ups do not work still have a recourse. Rest assured that there are companies and software that can recover your computer files efficiently and quickly to minimize your potential losses.
Companies providing data recovery are equipped with technical people who around the globe and are more than capable of bringing back lost data. You just have to be able to know them beforehand so that when your computer data gets lost or destroyed then you have immediate access to their services.
in Data Recovery
The Other Side Of Mexican Cooking
Many people don't realize that Mexico exports far more than just chiles, avocados, tomatoes, limes and other produce you think of as being in Mexican food. Bell peppers in several colors, summer squash in many varieties, and different varieties of cucumbers are just as commonly available from our warm and sunny neighbor to the south.
Mexico has exported high-quality produce to the U.S. for more than 100 years. All Mexican produce undergoes strict quality and safety assurances before it crosses the U.S. border, so you can know it's safe and fresh. Plus, it's healthy: Red, yellow and orange bell peppers are high in beta-carotene and vitamin C. Standard-sized cucumbers are just 39 calories each. And yellow squash and zucchini are an excellent source of magnesium.
Try these vegetables in salads this month, or sliced on sandwiches, or in a stir-fry. You can even use summer squash and red bell peppers in your salsa.
Zucchini & Red Pepper Salsa
2 pounds zucchini (look for small to medium ones)
2 medium red bell peppers, seeded and cut into a small julienne
1/2 cup peeled, seeded and diced cucumber
2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
2 serrano chiles, seeded and minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
Trim and dice zucchini, and place in a medium bowl. Add julienne of red pepper, cucumber, red onion and chiles. Dress with olive oil, lime juice and salt, and toss to incorporate. Gently stir in cilantro and serve with yellow or blue tortilla chips, round slices of jicama, or thin slices of French bread. Makes 8 servings.
Your Online EMR Software
EMR software provides a number of solutions to better patient care. As we all know, money is a huge concern for practices that are big and small. This software will help save time for your patients and staff and, most importantly, save money for your practice. With time saved on paper work, your staff will be able to pay more attention to your clients and their needs. It will simplify the lives of your staff as they learn to schedule, bill and do reports with this software. Not all emr systems are right for your practice. The type of software that you need depends on the size of your practice. Large clinics have different needs than those of smaller practices. For this reason, choosing the right emr functions is vital to the stability of your practice.
ASP Electronic Medical Record
For your office you need to find the emr solution that best fits your practice environment. Once selected, you can customize the software so you and your staff are on the same page. Customization will make it easier for you stuff to look up, locate, and retrieve client data. With broadband Internet connection, your practice will not have to worry about taking care and backing up the information. Servers, back-up, and IT problems are all taken care of by the IT professionals of the company's software from who you purchase it. Your practice's files are always secure and available to your staff for quick and easy processing. Switching computers is not a problem in case of a virus or crash. All information is securely stored and backed-up by the vendor. The best part about ASP electronic medical record is that it allows flexibility. It's a monthly cost and not a huge startup fee for your practice. This gives you the time necessary to use it and see how much it can help your practice reach new levels of service and efficiency.
EMR Systems
Setting up the system and having it customized to your practice is the way it should be. Have you ever had someone teach you a certain way to do something and that turned out to be harder than if you were able to do it yourself? I have and that's why customizing all the different functions to your office will make it an easier process for your staff, and they will be able to handle their duties to guarantee a smoother running practice. The less you have to worry about the duties of your staff will bring greater ease to your mind and you'll know that the job is being done right and your patient needs are being fulfilled.
in Software
How To Find Your IP Address . DNS Address . IPv4 . IPv6
Article Map:
IP address
(Internet Protocol address) is a unique address that certain electronic devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard (IP)-in simpler terms, a computer address. Any participating network device-including routers, computers, time-servers, printers, Internet fax machines, and some telephones-can have their own unique address.
An IP address can also be thought of as the equivalent of a street address or a phone number ( compare: VoIP (voice over (the) internet protocol)) for a computer or other network device on the Internet. Just as each street address and phone number uniquely identifies a building or telephone, an IP address can uniquely identify a specific computer or other network device on a network. An IP address differs from other contact information, however, because the linkage of a user's IP address to his/her name is not publicly available information.
IP addresses can appear to be shared by multiple client devices either because they are part of a shared hosting web server environment or because a network address translator (NAT) or proxy server acts as an intermediary agent on behalf of its customers, in which case the real originating IP addresses might be hidden from the server receiving a request. A common practice is to have a NAT hide a large number of IP addresses, in the private address space defined by RFC 1918, an address block that cannot be routed on the public Internet. Only the "outside" interface(s) of the NAT need to have Internet-routable addresses.
Most commonly, the NAT device maps TCP or UDP port numbers on the outside to individual private addresses on the inside. Just as there may be site-specific extensions on a telephone number, the port numbers are site-specific extensions to an IP address.
IP addresses are managed and created by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The IANA generally allocates super-blocks to Regional Internet Registries, who in turn allocate smaller blocks to Internet service providers and enterprises.
DNS Address:
On the Internet, the Domain Name System (DNS) associates various sorts of information with so-called domain names; most importantly, it serves as the "phone book" for the Internet: it translates human-readable computer hostnames, e.g., into the IP addresses that networking equipment needs for delivering information. It also stores other information such as the list of mail exchange servers that accept email for a given domain. In providing a worldwide keyword-based redirection service, the Domain Name System is an essential component of contemporary Internet use.
Uses :
The most basic use of DNS is to translate hostnames to IP addresses. It is in very simple terms like a phone book. For example, if you want to know the internet address of, the Domain Name System can be used to tell you it is DNS also has other important uses.
Pre-eminently, DNS makes it possible to assign Internet destinations to the human organization or concern they represent, independently of the physical routing hierarchy represented by the numerical IP address. Because of this, hyperlinks and Internet contact information can remain the same, whatever the current IP routing arrangements may be, and can take a human-readable form (such as "") which is rather easier to remember than an IP address (such as People take advantage of this when they recite meaningful URLs and e-mail addresses without caring how the machine will actually locate them.
The Domain Name System distributes the responsibility for assigning domain names and mapping them to IP networks by allowing an authoritative server for each domain to keep track of its own changes, avoiding the need for a central registrar to be continually consulted and
History :
The practice of using a name as a more human-legible abstraction of a machine's numerical address on the network predates even TCP/IP, and goes all the way to the ARPAnet era. Back then however, a different system was used, as DNS was only invented in 1983, shortly after TCP/IP was deployed. With the older system, each computer on the network retrieved a file called HOSTS.TXT from a computer at SRI (now SRI International). The HOSTS.TXT file mapped numerical addresses to names. A hosts file still exists on most modern operating systems, either by default or through configuration, and allows users to specify an IP address (eg. to use for a hostname (eg. without checking DNS. As of 2006, the hosts file serves primarily for troubleshooting DNS errors or for mapping local addresses to more organic names. Systems based on a hosts file have inherent limitations, because of the obvious requirement that every time a given computer's address changed, every computer that seeks to communicate with it would need an update to its hosts file.
The growth of networking called for a more scalable system: one that recorded a change in a host's address in one place only. Other hosts would learn about the change dynamically through a notification system, thus completing a globally accessible network of all hosts' names and their associated IP Addresses.
At the request of Jon Postel, Paul Mockapetris invented the Domain Name System in 1983 and wrote the first implementation. The original specifications appear in RFC 882 and 883. In 1987, the publication of RFC 1034 and RFC 1035 updated the DNS specification and made RFC 882 and RFC 883 obsolete. Several more-recent RFCs have proposed various extensions to the core DNS protocols.
In 1984, four Berkeley students - Douglas Terry, Mark Painter, David Riggle and Songnian Zhou - wrote the first UNIX implementation, which was maintained by Ralph Campbell thereafter. In 1985, Kevin Dunlap of DEC significantly re-wrote the DNS implementation and renamed it BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain, previously: Berkeley Internet Name Daemon). Mike Karels, Phil Almquist and Paul Vixie have maintained BIND since then. BIND was ported to the Windows NT platform in the early 1990s.
Due to BIND's long history of security issues and exploits, several alternative nameserver/resolver programs have been written and distributed in recent years.
How DNS Work In The Theory :
The domain name space consists of a tree of domain names. Each node or branch in the tree has one or more resource records, which hold information associated with the domain name. The tree sub-divides into zones. A zone consists of a collection of connected nodes authoritatively served by an authoritative DNS nameserver. (Note that a single nameserver can host several zones.)
When a system administrator wants to let another administrator control a part of the domain name space within his or her zone of authority, he or she can delegate control to the other administrator. This splits a part of the old zone off into a new zone, which comes under the authority of the second administrator's nameservers. The old zone becomes no longer authoritative for what goes under the authority of the new zone.
A resolver looks up the information associated with nodes. A resolver knows how to communicate with name servers by sending DNS requests, and heeding DNS responses. Resolving usually entails iterating through several name servers to find the needed information.
Some resolvers function simplistically and can only communicate with a single name server. These simple resolvers rely on a recursing name server to perform the work of finding information for them.
Internet Protocol version 4 is the fourth iteration of the Internet Protocol (IP) and it is the first version of the protocol to be widely deployed. IPv4 is the dominant network layer protocol on the Internet and apart from IPv6 it is the only protocol used on the Internet.
It is described in IETF RFC 791 (September 1981) which made obsolete RFC 760 (January 1980). The United States Department of Defense also standardized it as MIL-STD-1777.
IPv4 is a data-oriented protocol to be used on a packet switched internetwork (e.g., Ethernet). It is a best effort protocol in that it does not guarantee delivery. It does not make any guarantees on the correctness of the data; It may result in duplicated packets and/or packets out-of-order. These aspects are addressed by an upper layer protocol (e.g., TCP, and partly by UDP).
The entire purpose of IP is to provide unique global computer addressing to ensure that two computers communicating over the Internet can uniquely identify one another.
Addressing :
IPv4 uses 32-bit (4-byte) addresses, which limits the address space to 4,294,967,296 possible unique addresses. However, some are reserved for special purposes such as private networks (~18 million addresses) or multicast addresses (~1 million addresses). This reduces the number of addresses that can be allocated as public Internet addresses. As the number of addresses available are consumed, an IPv4 address shortage appears to be inevitable, however Network Address Translation (NAT) has significantly delayed this inevitability.
This limitation has helped stimulate the push towards IPv6, which is currently in the early stages of deployment and is currently the only contender to replace IPv4.
Allocation :
Originally, the IP address was divided into two parts:
* Network id : first octet
* Host id : last three octets
This created an upper limit of 256 networks. As the networks began to be allocated, this was soon seen to be inadequate.
To overcome this limit, different classes of network were defined, in a system which later became known as classful networking. Five classes were created (A, B, C, D, & E), three of which (A, B, & C) had different lengths for the network field. The rest of the address field in these three classes was used to identify a host on that network, which meant that each network class had a different maximum number of hosts. Thus there were a few networks with lots of host addresses and numerous networks with only a few addresses. Class D was for multicast addresses and class E was reserved.
Around 1993, these classes were replaced with a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) scheme, and the previous scheme was dubbed "classful", by contrast. CIDR's primary advantage is to allow re-division of Class A, B & C networks so that smaller (or larger) blocks of addresses may be allocated to entities (such as Internet service providers, or their customers) or Local Area Networks.
The actual assignment of an address is not arbitrary. The fundamental principle of routing is that address encodes information about a device's location within a network. This implies that an address assigned to one part of a network will not function in another part of the network. A hierarchical structure, created by CIDR and overseen by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and its Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), manages the assignment of Internet address worldwide. Each RIR maintains a publicly searchable WHOIS database that provides information about IP address assignments; information from these databases plays a central role in numerous tools that attempt to locate IP addresses geographically.
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a network layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks. It is designated as the successor of IPv4, the current version of the Internet Protocol, for general use on the Internet.
The main improvement brought by IPv6 is a much larger address space that allows greater flexibility in assigning addresses. While IPv6 could support 2128 (about 3.4׳1038) addresses, or approximately 5׳1028 addresses for each of the roughly 6.5 billion people[1] alive today. It was not the intention of IPv6 designers, however, to give permanent unique addresses to every individual and every computer. Rather, the extended address length eliminates the need to use network address translation to avoid address exhaustion, and also simplifies aspects of address assignment and renumbering when changing providers.
Introduction :
By the early 1990s, it was clear that the change to a classless network introduced a decade earlier was not enough to prevent IPv4 address exhaustion and that further changes to IPv4 were needed.[2] By the winter of 1992, several proposed systems were being circulated and by the fall of 1993, the IETF announced a call for white papers (RFC 1550) and the creation of the "IP, the Next Generation" (IPng Area) of working groups.[2][3]
IPng was adopted by the Internet Engineering Task Force on July 25, 1994 with the formation of several "IP Next Generation" (IPng) working groups.[2] By 1996, a series of RFCs were released defining IPv6, starting with RFC 2460. (Incidentally, IPv5 was not a successor to IPv4, but an experimental flow-oriented streaming protocol intended to support video and audio.)
It is expected that IPv4 will be supported alongside IPv6 for the foreseeable future. IPv4-only nodes (clients or servers) will not be able to communicate directly with IPv6 nodes, and will need to go through an intermediary
Features of IPv6 :
[edit] To a great extent, IPv6 is a conservative extension of IPv4. Most transport- and application-layer protocols need little or no change to work over IPv6; exceptions are applications protocols that embed network-layer addresses (such as FTP or NTPv3).
Applications, however, usually need small changes and a recompile in order to run over IPv6.
Larger address space :
The main feature of IPv6 that is driving adoption today is the larger address space: addresses in IPv6 are 128 bits long versus 32 bits in IPv4.
The larger address space avoids the potential exhaustion of the IPv4 address space without the need for network address translation (NAT) and other devices that break the end-to-end nature of Internet traffic. NAT may still be necessary in rare cases, but Internet engineers recognize that it will be difficult in IPv6 and are trying to avoid it whenever possible. It also makes administration of medium and large networks simpler, by avoiding the need for complex subnetting schemes. Subnetting will, ideally, revert to its purpose of logical segmentation of an IP network for optimal routing and access.
The drawback of the large address size is that IPv6 carries some bandwidth overhead over IPv4, which may hurt regions where bandwidth is limited (header compression can sometimes be used to alleviate this problem). IPv6 addresses are harder to memorize than IPv4 addresses, although even IPv4 addresses are much harder to memorize than Domain Name System (DNS) names. DNS protocols have been modified to support IPv6 as well as IPv4.
Stateless auto configuration of hosts :
IPv6 hosts can be configured automatically when connected to a routed IPv6 network. When first connected to a network, a host sends a link-local multicast request for its configuration parameters; if configured suitably, routers respond to such a request with a router advertisement packet that contains network-layer configuration parameters.
If IPv6 autoconfiguration is not suitable, a host can use stateful autoconfiguration (DHCPv6) or be configured manually. Stateless autoconfiguration is only suitable for hosts: routers must be configured manually or by other means
IPv6 scope :
IPv6 defines 3 unicast address scopes: global, site, and link.
Site-local addresses are non-link-local addresses that are valid within the scope of an administratively-defined site and cannot be exported beyond it.
Companion IPv6 specifications further define that only link-local addresses can be used when generating ICMP Redirect Messages [ND] and as next-hop addresses in most routing protocols.
These restrictions do imply that an IPv6 router must have a link-local next-hop address for all directly connected routes (routes for which the given router and the next-hop router share a common subnet prefix).
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